Tag Archives: computer

Enabling “javac” and “java” command to Windows CMD (日本語バージョンウィンドウズ対応)

5 Nov

Yes, it is so easy to add the command “javac” (compile java files to class file) in Linux and Mac OS. But in Windows computer? Moreover Japanese PC???

1. Make sure you have already downloaded the JDK (Java Development Kit) from http://java.sun.com/ . By the time this blog is posted, the latest version is 1.6.0_17

2. The path folder might varies, but in default settings, it should be something like this
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin
Of course it depends on your JDK version. Don’t forget that the path is until the”bin” folder.
Check out if it contains “javac” and “java” ^-^

3. Right click “My Computer” (マイコンピュータ), select “Properties” (プロパティ)

4. XP and older: In the “System Properties” (システムプロパティ) window, click on the “Advanced” (詳細設定) tab.
Vista and later: Click “Advanced System Properties” (システム詳細設定) in the left side of the window

5. Click on “Environment Variables” (環境変数)

6. Select PATH (or path, is also ok) then click on “edit” (編集)

7. Add the path to javac (see point 3). Don’t forget to put semicolon after previous paths.

Hope this helps! Close any opening command prompt (CMD). Reopen (Did you know Windows_Logo + R ?). And try to type “javac”. If the error message tells you the right syntax, you’re done <3. Else? Repeat to step 1. Good luck ^_~
